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Identifying tech transfer opportunities and research & development partners

Case Study: Syngenta

Nebula 05202021

How will we feed nine billion people in the future?

One of the most pressing issues for the agrochemical industry is food security. To tackle a problem of this scope and scale, research and development efficiency systems are needed to identify innovation opportunities.
ResoluteAI, the search company that makes information retrieval seamless, partnered with Syngenta, the world’s leading provider of agrochemicals and seeds, to identify and commercialize emerging agricultural technologies to address the needs of a growing world population.

"ResoluteAI makes innovation more accessible to companies ... by helping us identify numerous partnering opportunities, many of which were at institutions that we weren’t aware of."
- Syngenta

Partners In Problem Solving

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The world population in 2017 was seven and a half billion and the UN projects the world population to reach nine billion by 2050. Current technology systems do not allow planning for the sustainability of such a significant population safely. 

According to Syngenta, “the agricultural industry, like many other industries, depends on research and innovation as absolutely critical, especially if we want to feed our growing population. The cost of developing a new active ingredient can be hundreds of millions of dollars - that’s what makes partnerships like this so important. ResoluteAI makes innovation more accessible to companies like Syngenta by helping us identify numerous partnering opportunities, many of which were at institutions that we weren’t aware of.”


The Solution: AI-Based Search With Foundation

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Leveraging ResoluteAI’s artificial intelligence-based search engine, Syngenta was able to identify live technology transfer offers across thousands of research entities. With search results including invention disclosures, patent data, and contacts for inquiry and deal-making, Syngenta was able to identify and engage the right partners for their mission.

Some of the opportunities ResoluteAI uncovered for Syngenta were through research institutions that they already considered preferred partners and had working relationships with, allowing both parties to get more out of their existing partnership.

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Connections With Coverage


Syngenta wanted to identify research and development partners for biological pest control technology, which enhance the yield of crops important to human survival and nutrition. Using ResoluteAI, Syngenta uncovered thousands of research entities and identified biological pest control opportunities far outside their vantage point.

These new partners were of all sizes and specializations, including small research universities, as well as institutions beyond Syngenta’s traditional geographical coverage.

According to Syngenta, “ResoluteAI connected our company with new partner institutions and technologies. They highlighted crop protection technology that we wouldn’t have seen otherwise. They also found new opportunities that reached across our departments in areas like seed technology, biotechnology, and other areas. These successes prove that ResoluteAI’s scouting system is effectively working and covering the landscape in support of our efforts.”


Your Next Breakthrough

Feeding nine billion people is a complex challenge that impacts everyone. Innovation in this space is rooted in developing, partnering, and commercializing new technology. Research tools that are fragmented across platforms, file storage systems, and individual devices are barriers to innovation. ResoluteAI’s artificial intelligence allows innovators to research, uncover, integrate, and connect their most relevant data sources, at scale. ResoluteAI increases specificity in search, saving users time and resources by helping them to innovate smarter.

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