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January 4, 2023

December Roundup: Currency Update, UI Enhancements, and More

Happy Holidays! We've been busy this month, creating innovative new features that will help AG users streamline their workflow. Here is a summary of what we have updated across the platform. 

Global Article Galaxy Updates Come To the Platform

  •  Enhanced Currency & Pricing   

We have expanded the types of currencies our platform can use. Account administrators can now select from EURO € and Japanese Yen ¥ as their preferred currency. This addition will also support onboarding FIZ customers with ease so that they benefit from an optimal experience on our platform. 

_______1. Currency & Pricing for our FIZ integration - Euro

MicrosoftTeams-image (24)

  • Credit Card Pre-Authorization Message Update 

For those Article Galaxy users currently relying on a credit card for single article purchases, we have implemented a pre-authorization message for these purchases that simply places a hold on the user's account until their order is completed – No charge is actually made until the order is fully processed.

2. Credit Card Pre-authorization amount message

  • User Interface Improvement

To maintain consistency and accuracy, we have upgraded the UI and redesigned our Icons. Now when you select a tab or menu item, you'll be able to see that it's active by noticing its filled-in icon. 

1. Main Article Galaxy and Top Navigation icons consistency

  • Find articles in the Outlook Add-in using a URL 

With the UX upgrade, users can quickly and conveniently search for citations by entering a URL with a valid DOI. This update will save users time while ensuring that their research is up-to-date. 


  • Outlook Add-In User Interface Enhancements 

The UX enhancement makes inserting and deleting citations within emails a more user-friendly experience.  Get started now, explore our Add-in: Download Article Galaxy for Outlook 

Say Goodbye to Duplicates with the New Article Galaxy References Feature

This December, our team has developed an impressive duplicate-detection feature to make Article Galaxy References more useful for teams who want to minimize duplicates and wasted article costs. .  

  • Find and Remove Duplicates in References 

Users can now detect and delete any duplicates with ease in AGR. We've designed a user-friendly interface that allows them to not only identify the duplicates but also choose which record they would like to keep while eliminating the rest. 


Coming Soon to Article Galaxy References

  • Integrating AGR with Google Docs: Phase 1 

We have finished the Research Phase for integrating with Google Docs. The upcoming Phase 2 will determine the scale and effort required to finish the Product, which is slated to be released in future updates.

  • RSS Feeds Reader 

We are delighted to announce that we have finished the Research Phase for our RSS Feed reader. This is a substantial upgrade to the Article Galaxy platform, allowing users to subscribe to and follow any RSS feed. This improvement will allows user to seamlessly keep on top of all relevant literature right within their existing management platform. This enhancement will be released in the coming months, over several Release Cycles - stay tuned! 

Get Started with Article Galaxy References Today

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