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April 13, 2020

An Easy Way to Keep Up With COVID-19 Research

In our previous post, we shared a number of efforts Research Solutions has implemented to help our customers (and the broader research community) during the coronavirus crisis—including the release of our freely available COVID-19 Research Viewer Gadget.

In response to the massive global effort to learn more about this topic, our developers built the COVID-19 Research Viewer Gadget to help researchers easily find and access scientific articles related to coronavirus.

During normal times, it’s hard enough for scientists to stay current on a specific research topic. For COVID-19 researchers, keeping pace with the ongoing findings and literature has its own set of challenges.

In last week’s post, we reported that there were over 2,000 scholarly articles directly tagged to COVID-19 based on a PubMed search. Today that same search query returns more than 3,800 results, and the number is expected to climb for quite some time. The recently released COVID-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19)—which expands the search to include non-peer-reviewed preprint papers along with peer-reviewed journal articles—currently contains more than 50,000 scholarly articles related to the coronavirus.

Rightfully, most scholarly publishers have made articles related to the virus available for free. While we don’t publish content, we know a thing or two about document delivery—and our efforts during this pandemic are rooted in the desire to make access and discovery to all related literature quick and efficient.

While the COVID-19 Research Viewer Gadget is available at no charge to Article Galaxy customers (both Free and Enterprise accounts), we have also created a public website with no log-in requirements. Both the COVID-19 Research Viewer Gadget and the public page feature an up-to-date, PubMed-based search of COVID-19 related articles, accompanied by an Altmetric Attention Score, to help gauge a paper’s popularity.

Within the Gadget, Article Galaxy customers can read abstracts, access full-text files, sort results—and seamlessly export the selected articles to the Article Galaxy Reference Manager Gadget. Additionally, our Enterprise customers can use the Reference Manager Gadget to organize articles (using Smart Folders or Bibliographies) and collaborate with colleagues.

At Research Solutions, we truly hope the COVID-19 Research Viewer Gadget can help in some small way to speed discovery and drug development in the fight against this fast-spreading disease. Here are some ways researchers can save time:

  • Access full-text articles from multiple publishers
  • View the most requested articles across various discovery platforms
  • Find a comprehensive list of publishers with COVID-19 resources
  • Track the number of confirmed cases, deaths, and recoveries with the interactive Outbreak Map.

We continue to put resources behind this Gadget and other means to help out. You can visit our COVID-19 resources page for the latest information, including new feature developments.

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