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January 12, 2022

New Year Roundup: Our Top 5 Blog Posts of 2021

As we kick off 2022, it’s time for our annual look at the topics our readers found most interesting over the past year. Let’s jump right in!  

Top 5 Countdown: Our Most-Read Blog Posts of 2021

#5 – Improving knowledge management

At Research Solutions, we align with the wisdom of Ben Franklin, who said, “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” But investing in knowledge is not so simple. In this post, we examine tough knowledge management challenges–and share best practices for solving them. 

Read more: Improving Knowledge Management: Best Practices for Biotech and Pharma Companies

#4  – Renting full-text journal articles 

Rentals are a relatively new method for accessing peer-reviewed articles inexpensively—and avoiding the risk of disappointing article purchases. When you rent a journal article, you'll typically pay about 75% less than the purchase price; you'll have online access to the full-text articles for a specified amount of time; and if you ultimately decide to buy the article, the rental fee will be applied to the purchase price.

Read more: Try Before You Buy: Rent Journal Articles

#3 – Improving product development in medtech

In the medtech sector, developing new products and bringing them to market means being sustainable and competitive. The
faster and more productively research and development teams work, the better it is for the innovative power of the company. Knowledge management supports not only the research and development department, but also the complete product life cycle through medical and regulatory affairs to customer service.

Read more: Knowledge Management and “Product Intelligence” in Medtech

#2 –   The 4-1-1 on our major platform upgrade: Article Galaxy 3.0

Research Solutions began moving existing customers to Article Galaxy 3.0 (a major platform upgrade) in August 2021. In this post, we explain why we made changes, what those changes are, and how users can make the most of the latest features and functionality.

Read more: Fewer Clicks and Faster Results: Article Galaxy 3.0

#1 – Addressing Fast Growth and Change at Research Solutions 

At Research Solutions, we understand that people are at the core of our ability to deliver our promise to customers. As we seek to further expand and enhance our products and services, we are focusing even more on operational excellence. To achieve this, we augmented our management team in 2021. Notably, company founder Peter Derycz transitioned from CEO to Executive Chairman, and Roy Oliver was named the new CEO. This post addresses questions from our customers, which revolve around two key questions: “Why the change?”

and “What does this mean for my organization?” 

Read more: Continued Improvement and Growth at Research Solutions/Reprints Desk—a Message From Peter

If you missed any of these most-read blog posts of 2021, click on the links above to read them now. And if there’s a topic or trend you’d like us to cover this year, we welcome your suggestions! Email our editorial team to share your ideas.

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