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July 13, 2023

Maximizing the Value of Scientific Literature for Long-Term Savings

In today's economy, the pressure to cut costs in every aspect of business has never been higher. As scientific research leaders, you constantly seek ways to trim expenses while maintaining excellence and efficiency standards. 

We're sharing essential best practices for leveraging top-quality research resources and saving time and money. By implementing these strategies, you can enhance the value of scientific literature and streamline your workflow. 

Driving Down Hard Costs for R&D-Driven Organizations 

In the world of research and development, accessing peer-reviewed literature is crucial. But the process can be complex, frustrating, and costly. Fortunately, there are straightforward approaches and solutions that can help you and your organization make the most of this valuable resource.

Tap Into Analytics for Better Insights & Smarter Decision-Making 

Gain strategic insights into your total STM content usage for more intelligent purchasing decisions. Research leaders can maximize their budget by knowing which titles to subscribe to, buy in bulk, or purchase on-demand, all backed by real data. By leveraging comprehensive information and intuitive tools, you can make more confident decisions that reduce costs and optimize efficiency.

Reduce Expenditure on Literature Acquisition

You can save money at critical stages throughout the innovation process, such as acquiring or ordering articles. Key areas to consider include:

  • Lower Your Purchase Cost: By using sophisticated filtering options, like the ones mentioned earlier, you can save, on average, up to 28 percent on article expenses and pay 50 percent lower transaction fees. For example, Article Galaxy's document retrieval engine offers the lowest cost access to over 80 million full-text journal articles; the Platform allows for customized research workflows to fit any organization's requirements, leading to improved outcomes with fewer resources and significant time and cost savings.

  • Open Access (OA): Workflow solutions, such as Article Galaxy, can provide articles that are available free of charge through an Open Access (OA) Filter. An OA Filter can also confirm that those articles can be used in a commercial environment, which helps organizations comply with copyright laws. This means that when users request an article through Open Access, they not only get it for free, but it also serves as another protection for copyright compliance.

  • Compliant Re-Use: Organizations and institutions can obtain the most appropriate article for their intended use by confirming article re-use permissions and ensuring copyright compliance. This helps avoid spending extra funds if alternative content is ultimately needed, as well as helps to protect them from potential legal issues related to copyright infringement.

  • Existing or Future Token & Subscription Packages: To optimize an organization's subscription utilization and save departmental budget, it's important to leverage Company-Wide Subscriptions or Publisher Tokens effectively. These offer additional protection to users, allowing them to acquire articles that are already part of the administrator's purchase bundles or packages without unnecessarily purchasing them.

  • Lower-Cost Rentals: Instead of rushing to purchase an article behind a subscription or paywall, consider renting it. This way, you can preview it as a scholarly paper before buying it. Rental options provide read-only access to articles for a limited time at a lower cost. 

Avoid Costly Duplicate Orders

Without tools or safeguards in place, many research teams ran the risk of placing duplicate orders for the same article, which resulted in unnecessary costs.

So that everyone can access previously acquired PDF articles for which re-use licenses exist, use tools like a copyright-compliant PDF library. This will help save time, resources, and money. You can also use automated acquisition tracking to receive duplicate alerts before you check out.

Streamline Processes to Save Time & Money

Research takes time and effort, making the last thing you need complicated and long-winded knowledge discovery, acquisition, and management processes. To streamline these processes into a comprehensive innovation workflow, the Article Galaxy Platform guides users to the best available options for discovering and acquiring their scientific articles and data. It provides an organized database, acting as a single system of record for your literature investment. And by following the same process regardless of the publisher, scientific research organizations gain easy access to their preferred articles sources faster than ever so researchers can spend their time on what matters most.

How Article Galaxy Users Save Money Year Over Year 

Below, we’ve outlined exactly how our customers have been consistently saving money year after year with the Article Galaxy Platform, pulling data from our customers showing average article cost over time.

YoY Savings - Group 1Group 1

Group 1 consists of customers who have a Transactional Account with us, meaning they're not platform customers yet. For those first three years, from 2017 to 2019, their article spend remains pretty consistent at about US $43. But then, in 2020, they transferred over to Article Galaxy as Platform users. You can see that the average article cost is driven down within that first year by about 22 percent, then further still by 28 percent in 2021 and 37 percent in 2022.  

This cost reduction is due to the access to features and filters Article Galaxy provides, where we are able to deliver requested articles free of charge. 

MicrosoftTeams-image (136)Group 2

Group 2 consists of customers who started as Article Galaxy Platform users. As you can see, even having started with a lower cost per article, it continued to further reduce year over year by factors of up to 50 percent. 

By joining our platform, you can expect an average savings of $10 per article in the first year. This can translate to significant savings. For instance, if you need to purchase 1,000 articles annually, you immediately save approximately $10k in the first year. 

Article Galaxy: Your Go-To Source for Accessing Content & Maximizing Value

For years, the Research Solutions Team has served our clients as a trusted partner in their savings strategy. We navigate the ever-changing landscape to bring you the most cost-effective options year after year, ensuring success and streamlining their research processes. 

Contact your Account Manager directly if you're an existing customer and want to know more about our unique features. If you need to figure out who that is, email our customer support team at customersupport@reprintsdesk.com, and we'll guide you. For those who haven't joined us yet, we're offering a free trial and demo to showcase our offerings. Take advantage of this opportunity to start maximizing your budget today!

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