In response to COVID-19, we are releasing the COVID-19 Research Viewer Gadget allowing Article Galaxy users to stay up to date and simplify access to relevant COVID-19 research articles, directly through the platform. Also in this release: improved UX for ELISA Concentration Calculator and browser bug fixes for a long list of Gadgets, including Reference Manager Gadget.
New Gadget
COVID-19 Research Viewer Gadget
There are already close to 2,000 scientific articles tagged to COVID-19, and this literature is expected to grow. This Gadget allows you to have these articles conveniently available in one place within the Article Galaxy platform.
The COVID-19 Gadget features an up-to-date, PubMed-based search to provide a preview of COVID-related articles, accompanied by an Altmetric Attention Score, helping users quickly assess the paper’s popularity. The Gadget also includes an interactive Outbreak Map* that tracks the number of confirmed cases, deaths, and recoveries around the world. Users can simply click on the map to see the current statistics in the selected region.
Review and add Gadget to your dashboard.
- Search literature based on a PubMed search with preset queries
- Filter and sort results, and view abstracts
- Access full-text articles, linked directly to the publisher website
- View Altmetric Attention Score directly from search results
- Send references to Reference Manager Gadget
- Interactive incidence map of confirmed COVID-19 cases*
- Coming soon: most downloaded, publisher resources and trending social media
Article View
Map View
*Source: Johns Hopkins University, Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE)
Gadget Enhancement
ELISA Concentration Calculator
The entire user interface was overhauled to provide a new and improved user experience and new data visualization features.
Gadget Fixes
The following Gadgets have been updated with cross browser fixes:
- 3D Protein Visualizer
- Bioassay Searcher
- Biomolecular Sequence Manager
- Chemical Batch Mixing Calculator
- Crypto Currency Exchange
- DOI/PMID Article Finder
- Lab Task Manager
- My Links Manager
- Oligos Designer
- Periodic Table Lookup
- Protocols Searcher
- PubsHub Search Journal & Congress Submission
- Reference Manager Gadget
- Search Open FDA
- Sticky Notes
- Trace Sequencing Viewer
- Wikipedia Searcher