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November 1, 2022

October Roundup: Expanded Browser Extension, Bulk Upload for Order Form, and More

We've been hard at work this month to develop key new features that users can utilize to streamline their workflow within AG. Here's a roundup of what we've been up to:

Article Galaxy Users Get Improvements to Ordering Articles

Here at Research Solutions, we're always working to make your experience better. In this release, we've improved and re-designed key elements that make getting articles quick and easy. Our goal is to help you get the articles you need as quickly and efficiently as possible. Check out our new improvements and that will make your AG experience the best it can be.

  •  Article Galaxy Browser Extension - All Major Browsers Supported  

Our Article Galaxy browser extension is now available for all major browsers including Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Safari. This expansion allows users to take Article Galaxy with them wherever they discover articles on the internet, now with the browser of their choice!

Give it a try, install it here.

8.  The Browser Extension is now available for MS Edge

  • Article Galaxy Outlook Add-In

Our Outlook Add-in is now available to connect you with your folders in Article Galaxy References and help you share your references with your team and colleagues.

Install it directly from the “Get Add-Ins" section in MS Outlook.

  • Expansion of Instant Article Delivery

In our continued commitment to improve and expand Article Galaxy, we have increased our ability to instantly deliver articles within the browser. Users who order articles published by Wolters Kluwer Law will now receive their PDFs immediately after they place their order right in the browser.

  • Article Order Form Gets Bulk Upload Enhancement

The Article Galaxy order form has been enhanced to allow users to upload files with a list of citations. Make it easier than ever to request bulk articles via the order form.

  • AutoComplete Fields

The autocomplete (type ahead) functionality has been enhanced on the Order Form and within Re-Use Rights. This enhancement gives users a user-friendly search experience when looking for articles.

3. Enhancement to Auto Complete fields in various UIs

  • AcademicLabs Integration

Article Galaxy Individuals users have been automatically upgraded with a Dashboard Link with AcademicLabs. This integration can also be enabled for any Article Galaxy Enterprise account.

Article Galaxy References Gets Key Enhancements to Organization and Annotation Features

With this October release, our team has introduced several new features to make Article Galaxy References more powerful and user-friendly for researchers.

  • Export the Citations, Metadata, from Folders

Users can now export references from folders into Excel, CSV, and RTF (MS Word) files with permanent links to records in AG References.

  • Creation of Favorites folders for Users

We implemented the creation of "Favorites" folders for both Personal and Shared Folders so users can seamlessly organize important and relevant articles in a streamlined way._______2. Creation of a Favorites folder for Users

  • Support of Japanese Symbols/Characters in TAGs

We have added support for Japanese symbols/characters when users create TAGs for specific references. On a related note, we also support Chinese symbols/characters.

  • Display Update for iPad Devices

An update to the way users access articles was made to ensure they can see pricing details and other information at a glance.

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