With research budgets tightening a bit more every year, your organization needs to squeeze the most value out of your current holdings and subscriptions. Accessing scientific content isn’t cheap, and when you think about the multitude of sources necessary to get the information you need or think you need, it adds up. One common inefficiency is paying inadvertently for content you already own, but didn’t know you have or can get for free.
At the end of the day, hidden documents are just another form of hidden costs that eat at your budget and give nothing in return. If you’ve had this problem in the past, we can help you make sure it never happens again.
Article Galaxy Enterprise, our document delivery platform, runs every new document order through a sophisticated set of filters, set up specifically for your organization. We can help you dial in the most efficient configurations to filter for content already in your repository, or via subscriptions, pre-paid publisher token accounts, print holdings, rentals, and open access. In the process, these filters also eliminate the guesswork associated with maintaining copyright compliance.
No matter the size of your organization, controlling acquisition costs is a priority. Even for pharmaceutical giants like Boehringer Ingelheim (BI).
USE CASE: Boehringer Ingelheim (BI) is an $18 billion pharma company that invests 20% of its revenue into R&D operations. The company’s Scientific Information Center is responsible for providing its 8,000 knowledge workers, across 145 global branches, with the scholarly literature they need to advance their research and regulatory activities.
What does it take to provide a vast, global network of knowledge workers with seamless, cost-efficient access to scientific literature? Here’s a quick glimpse.
Prior to deploying Article Galaxy, BI’s article procurement processes were disjointed and costly. And with usage numbers continuing to increase steadily, they needed a more efficient solution. The Scientific Information Center had an ambitious vision: A lean and centralized knowledge access platform, powered by copyright-compliant document delivery services, that would result in cost savings on a global scale.
In selecting a document delivery platform to address its improvement goals, BI said there were many important considerations: “We wanted to save costs and be more compliant by avoiding duplicate article orders. The [Article Galaxy] solution includes filters that perform a double check of our holdings and subscriptions—as well as a check for open access availability—before procuring a document or article. We spend a lot more money on subscriptions than document delivery, and the filters ensure that we get the most from those investments.”
Using Article Galaxy to access thousands of articles every month, BI optimizes the value of its subscriptions and holdings, while simplifying copyright compliance across the enterprise.
If you’d like to learn more, you can read the case study here.
For more information on Article Galaxy Enterprise, visit the product page here.