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January 1, 1970

Announcement: New Research Solutions Website Is Now Live (ag-blog-2021)

Out with the old, in with the new! You may have noticed that our website has changed. As founder and CEO of Research Solutions/Reprints Desk, I wanted to fill you in on some important details.

What's new?

The new website provides a better, more intuitive user experience.

Another important change? If you peek up at your browser bar right now, you'll notice that the website domain name is researchsolutions.com (rather than info.reprintsdesk.com). I'll explain more on that in a minute, but as you get used to the new website URL, don't fret! We'll make sure you get where you need to be. If you type a now-obsolete web page URL into your search bar, you'll be automatically redirected to our updated website.

Why did we change the domain name?

For many of our customers, new and old, I realize that our two-part company name, Research Solutions/Reprints Desk, has caused some confusion. I'd like to take a moment to explain the background.

When I founded Reprints Desk in 2006, the first service we offered was providing hard-copy medical reprints, which we called our Reprints service—hence the original name: Reprints Desk. Subsequently, we developed our article delivery service for providing journal articles on demand.

In 2017, to meet customers’ evolving needs, we sold the medical Reprints/ePrints portion of the business in order to focus all our resources on electronic article delivery via our Article Galaxy platform. And we've been innovating and growing in that direction ever since.

Today, our company is a leading SaaS provider, serving R&D-based organizations, of all sizes, worldwide. Our flagship product, Article Galaxy, is the world's most popular article retrieval engine and research platform. We are proud of the role it has played in supporting science-based organizations in the current effort to find vaccines and therapies in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, and we are more motivated than ever to make it even more useful.

While we've held on to the name Reprints Desk for its global name recognition, Research Solutions best reflects who we are today: a company committed to providing innovative solutions for the research community. Thus, our new website domain name, www.researchsolutions.com.

We welcome your feedback

We are excited about the new website and hope you'll take a moment to browse around and tell us what you think. As we work to continuously improve your user experience, we encourage you to share any comments or suggestions you may have. Email us. 

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