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June 20, 2024

Spring 2024 Foundation Updates: Publications Analytics, Patent Linkage, and More

Foundation is transforming scientific research and analysis by simultaneously gathering information from multiple sources. Utilizing machine learning, we apply consistent, structured metadata to unstructured content, revealing meaningful connections that would otherwise remain undiscovered.

We are excited to unveil platform updates designed to further enhance user experience and improve the efficiency of research and analysis.

Analytics Updates

  • Enhanced Author Affiliation Mapping in Publications Analytics

Publications Analytics inputs for Author Affiliation now refer directly to the author's primary affiliation. For example, if John Smith is affiliated with the University of Minnesota, this affiliation will be accurately reflected in the heatmap. This approach ensures a more precise representation of an individual's institutional connection.

In addition to direct affiliations, we also consider indirect affiliations, which refer to the affiliations of co-authors. For instance, if John Smith has co-authored a paper with Jill Doe, who is affiliated with the University of Michigan, John Smith will be indirectly associated with the University of Michigan. This method captures the broader network and collaborative landscape of researchers, providing a deeper insight into institutional linkages.

01_Enhanced Author Affiliation Mapping in Publications Analytics_

  • Improved Data Precision With Significance-Based Filters & Facets

Filters and facets, which also power analytics, are now based on significance by default rather than frequency, enhancing the precision and relevance of data analysis. By prioritizing significance over mere frequency, researchers can identify the most impactful and meaningful trends within their datasets.

Filtering Capabilities Updates

  • Upgraded Filtering In News Database & New Source Integration

The news database has been updated with a completely new source: Benzinga. Currently, it features only press releases. We now have the capability to display, index, and search full-text content. Additionally, we have implemented a system to parse out company names, allowing users to filter by specific companies.

To enhance this functionality, we have categorized the distributors and market reports separately from individual companies and provided corresponding filters. An additional round of company names will be added to this filter in a couple of weeks to further refine the database.

  • Amplified Search Functionality & Persistent Filters In Data Management

This update introduces a more efficient search functionality within any dataset by allowing users to input letters or words to filter their search. As users type in their queries, the search categories will display in a collapsed manner to optimize the process, avoiding unnecessary expansions which would otherwise require additional searches.

Notably, the filter search will persist even when users switch between different datasets, maintaining the active filter settings. However, to revert and display all filters, users will need to manually clear the search input.

04_Enhanced Search Functionality & Persistent Filters In Data Management_

Patent Updates

  • Enriched Drug Data Insights with Patent Linkage

We've introduced a new feature where drugs that have associated patent information in the data are now linked.

This functionality is specifically applicable to drugs listed at the FDA and pertains to US-based patents only. Users can benefit from this update by filtering or searching for specific drugs using patent numbers. This is particularly useful for those interested in understanding the age of the patents associated with a drug, which is especially helpful for generic drug manufacturers.

  • Updated Patent Description Curation & Consistency

Patent descriptions are now curated from the patent with the most exemplary description based on various criteria such as date and language. The patent descriptions of applications and patents have been updated to clearly indicate if the description is derived from a related publication or application.

Generally, the differences between these descriptions are extremely minimal, ensuring consistent information. Additionally, if a link is present at the top of the description stating that the full text comes from an alphanumeric code, it signifies that the description originates from an associated publication.

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Main Patent Page With Link To The Associated Patents In The Publications Table

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Main Patent Description

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Description Of Main Patent Publication With A Link To The Original Patent

Clinical Trial Landscape Updates

  • Augmented Intervention Search in Clinical Trial Landscape

The interventions field now offers enhanced search functionality by simultaneously searching both the intervention name and intervention field description.

This capability is accessible in both the landscape search and the regular search modes. For users utilizing the regular search, simply selecting Interventions will enable a comprehensive search across both fields, providing more holistic and efficient results.

  • Added World Health Organization Data to Clinical Trials

WHO data has been resolved with clinicaltrials.gov, ensuring that there are no duplicates in our records. We now have all historical data from WHO across 20 registries.

Please Note: It is important to note that WHO does not contain all the data that clinicaltrials.gov has, such as Facility Names and Publications. Conversely, WHO includes some unique data that clinicaltrials.gov does not offer, including Retrospective flags, Ethics Status, and Bridging Clinical Trials information.

New 510(k) Summary PDF Features

  • Expedited Searchability & Integration

The 510(k) Summary PDFs are now fully searchable within the main search function, enhancing the ease of finding specific information. Additionally, the PDFs are now viewable directly on the platform, displayed seamlessly as if they were Nebula documents. This improvement aims to integrate documents more efficiently into your workflow and provide a more cohesive user experience.

New Details Page Menu

  • Condensed Menu For Enhanced Navigation

There are two menu views available: expanded and collapsed. Users can easily switch between these views by selecting the button located in the bottom right of the top title section box. Additionally, if there is no data, the menu items will appear in a very light grey to indicate their inactive status.

Leverage Our Latest Upgrades for Your Success

Discover the remarkable capabilities of our AI-powered tools by connecting with an expert to see Foundation in action. Our dedicated team is eager to show you how our products can elevate your research. Schedule a personalized demo here

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