In this release, we're introducing Open access enhancement & expansion, expanded related articles functionality and an enhancement of the Word Add-In for Bibliogo along with some smaller upgrades.
Open Access Enhancement & Expansion
In this release, Article Galaxy continues to enhance and expand Open Access functionality and workflows for our end users. This enhancement expands the value of the Article Galaxy platform by more quickly identifying articles that are Open Access. Additionally, this enhancement expedites the processing of article orders in our system to ensure orders are completed more quickly and that final pricing for article purchases is shown rapidly.
Article Galaxy User – Show Related Articles After Order Placement
We are expanding our 'Related Articles' functionality to end users. This enhancement will immediately provide users with "Cited By" and "Citing" article citations after they submit their order within Article Galaxy. This enhancement is a global change for all accounts and is part of the Article Galaxy platform for all users.
Bibliogo – Word Add-in v2.1.2
This release includes the continued enhancement of the Word Add-in (cite & write) for Bibliogo. This release of the Word Add-in includes the following new features:
- Links the Word Add-in to view/edit citations in Bibliogo.
- Support for Office installations that rely on Internet Explorer (IE) 11.
- Monthly citation style updates for cite & write.
- Introduction of "Search for New Citations" (not in Bibliogo) by DOI/PMID.
Minor updates:
Modification to Article Galaxy PDF Library for Active Rights Management (ARM) Accounts - This feature enhancement affects Article Galaxy accounts that have both a 'Company PDF Library' and 'Active Rights Management' enabled.
Link to Order Form from Article Galaxy Search Results - This feature enhancement introduces a simple message and link to the Article Galaxy 'Order Form' when users are searching for article within Article Galaxy Search.
Enhancement to OpenURL In-Bound Linking to Article Galaxy - This feature enhancement ensures OpenURL in-bound linking to Article Galaxy is complete and accurate. This feature enhancement ensures that Article Galaxy captures and retains all necessary data that is transmitted during the process of when a user clicks on the Article Galaxy link from a 3rd party database.
Update to Article Resolver Linkout (Subscription Linkout) Report - This report enhancement adds the Publisher name and Publisher ID # to the Article Resolver Linkout Report