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July 27, 2009

Reprints Desk Makes Pharmaceutical ePrint Procurement Service Available Through FIZ AutoDoc

Santa Monica, Calif., July 27, 2009 -- Reprints Desk, Inc., the content workflow company, and FIZ Karlsruhe, a European-based provider of information delivery services, today announced the immediate availability of Reprints Desk's article ePrint procurement service within the FIZ AutoDoc full-text brokerage routing system for document delivery. The new service offering enables FIZ AutoDoc customers, including dozens of major life science and other research-intensive companies, to simplify the content retrieval workflow for individual buyers and to improve internal visibility into electronic content spending and regulatory compliance.

"Besides expanding the content available via FIZ AutoDoc we are also continuously enhancing the delivery options," says Wendelin Detemple, Head FIZ Products and Services, Marketing and Sales, FIZ Karlsruhe. "Therefore, we are very pleased to be able to offer Reprints Desk's ePrint procurement service for convenient ordering of bulk copies of articles, which is especially important for our key customers from the pharmaceutical industry."

FIZ AutoDoc is the document delivery system of choice for many of Europe's largest corporations, supporting unmediated and mediated ordering for single journal articles, patent documents, reports, conference papers, proceedings or other publications. Reprints Desk offers ePrint procurement services as part of its Reprints NRx service that makes it easier for life science and healthcare communications companies to order bulk copies of peer-reviewed journal articles from scientific and medical publications for use in promotions and educational programs. Scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles are important educational tools for pharmaceutical and other life science companies who communicate with medical professionals.

FIZ Karlsruhe integrated Reprints Desk's STM Document Delivery service into the FIZ AutoDoc system in June 2008. Reprints Desk is a leading provider of content workflow solutions, including document delivery services in support of research plus reprint services in support of product promotions and educational outreach. Reprints Desk also launched the group purchasing software service Reprints GPO in March 2009 to help companies and their global affiliates save money by aggregating individual scientific and medical article reprint purchases.

About Reprints Desk®

Reprints Desk, Inc. (www.reprintsdesk.com) is a business software and information services company that simplifies how research-intensive companies and other organizations procure, manage and share journal articles and other copyright-protected content. The company's content workflow and compliance solutions help customers effectively use peer-reviewed literature in research, regulatory submissions, and product promotions. A channel supplier for more than 100 scientific, technical, and medical (STM) publishers, Reprints Desk earned the #1 ranking in the 2008 Document Delivery Vendor Scorecard by Outsell, Inc., and currently serves companies in life sciences, energy, aerospace, industrial products, consumer packaged goods, and information technology. Reprints Desk is a Derycz Scientific (DYSC.OB) company.

About FIZ Karlsruhe®

For more than 30 years, FIZ Karlsruhe (www.fiz-karlsruhe.de) has been developing and providing high-quality services for information transfer and innovative solutions for knowledge management in research. Its main activities are the operation of the online service STN International which focuses on science and patent information and is operated together with Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), and the development of the KnowEsis product line offering e-Science solutions for web-based scientific work. FIZ Karlsruhe also produces databases and information services and operates scientific portals, mainly in mathematics, computer science, energy and crystallography. Primary literature can be ordered through the full-text broker service FIZ AutoDoc. FIZ Karlsruhe is a member of the Leibniz Association (WGL) which consists of 86 research and service institutions and six associate members. The Leibniz institutes' fields of activity include natural sciences, engineering, environmental sciences, business and social sciences, territorial planning and building research, and the humanities. The institutes handle strategic and subject-oriented issues of public interest and are therefore jointly sponsored by the German Federal Government and the German Federal States.

Leah Rodriguez | VP of Marketing

Leah has over 17 years of experience in publishing and software with various roles leading and developing marketing teams. Prior to joining Research Solutions, she was at Nature Publishing Group, launching marketing for their open access journals, Nature Communications and Scientific Reports and at PLOS, developing...

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