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May 20, 2010

Prolifiq Offers Best Practices Solution for Selling Medical Devices in Tough Regulatory Environment

MINNEAPOLIS—May 20, 2010As the medical device industry gathers at Sales and Marketing Excellence 2010, Prolifiq, the leading provider of Sales Content Management software, offers medical device companies a solution to promote and sell in this highly regulated environment.

Maureen Shaffer, vice president of Life Sciences at Prolifiq, will lead the workshop “Sales-Friendly Compliant Content Communication: How to Score Wins for Sales, Marketing, and Finance” with Sean McCarthy, president of SEEK Medical Consulting, LLC on May 21st at 11:00 a.m. The workshop will provide pragmatic advice on how to drive sales activity and systematically adhere to regulations. Ms. Shaffer is an industry veteran known for her ability to engender a highly motivated, well-prepared sales force, while simultaneously building compliance into sales workflows. Mr. McCarthy is an experienced medical device sales executive whose consultancy provides turnkey services to drive revenue growth.

Good Promotional Practices at the Core

Today, Prolifiq announced its alliance with Reprints Desk (please also see Derycz Scientific, Inc.’s announcement here www.deryczscientific.com), a business software and information services company, to offer scientific literature licensing and deployment services for mutual customers in the Life Sciences industry. This will provide customers with tools and guidance for responsible use of scientific journal articles for physician interactions, and support the easy deployment of Prolifiq’s sales content management and compliance software service.

“Today’s sales reps are faced with more challenges and need to be effective and responsible in their sales communications,” said Jeff Gaus, CEO of Prolifiq Software. “By implementing Good Promotional Practices, we can help reps and life sciences companies maintain good standing in this highly regulated environment.”

Prolifiq’s software is used by sales, marketing, and regulatory personnel to simplify the management and delivery of sales collateral. The company embeds important compliance safeguards into sales communication workflows including the distribution of scientific literature, all part of Good Promotional Practices (GPP).

GPP refers to the composite set of policies and standard operating procedures that ensure life science companies comply with applicable laws, ethic codes, and accepted industry standards. By adhering to GPP, life science companies can ensure that they maintain good standing as respected ethical providers of valued information to the healthcare practitioner community. For more information on GPP, please visit www.goodpromotionalpractices.com.

About Prolifiq

(www.prolifiq.net/lifesciences) Prolifiq’s sales content management suite helps sales professionals use digital content in their communications with customers and prospects. It is the first suite of applications that simultaneously manages content, sales communication, and compliance. The unique offering is tailored to markets whose sales processes require rapid response to information requests, and are governed by strict compliance requirements. Prolifiq was recently selected one of America’s Most Promising Companies by Forbes. Customers include: AtriCure, Cisco Systems, GE, The BBC, Associated Press, and Getty Images. Prolifiq was recently named a “Cool Vendor” of CRM Sales by analyst firm Gartner. Earlier this year, Prolifiq announced that it was selected by the Advanced Medical Technology Association (AdvaMed) as a member of the organization’s Business Solutions Program.

Legal Notice: All rights reserved. Prolifiq is either a trademark or registered trademark and the Prolifiq logo is a trademark of Prolifiq Software, Inc. Product specifications are subject to change without notice.

Leah Rodriguez | VP of Marketing

Leah has over 17 years of experience in publishing and software with various roles leading and developing marketing teams. Prior to joining Research Solutions, she was at Nature Publishing Group, launching marketing for their open access journals, Nature Communications and Scientific Reports and at PLOS, developing...

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