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February 28, 2019

Research at a Tipping Point?

Have you noticed the news lately about the research publishing business? The Chronicle of Higher Education recently suggested we’re at a tipping point for scholarly publishing and goes on to mention libraries cancelling “Big Deal” subscription packages; Plan S to drive Open Access and the publisher pushback against it; researchers who remain frustrated by paywalls, (and even resorting to illegal means to access content). At times the rhetoric between publishers, librarians, and researchers can be confrontational and heated, particularly about Big Deal subscription renewals...or cancellations. And yet, all the stakeholders really want the same thing - publication, distribution, and access to quality peer-reviewed research. So why can’t we all just get along? We believe on-demand access to scholarly literature can help reduce some of the friction between these stakeholder groups. Reprints Desk is here to help.

Researchers understandably need access to published research in order to build upon that research and make progress within their fields, whether that’s creating new technologies, products, medicines or therapies. Article Galaxy by Reprints Desk provides researchers with an array of Gadgets that help you keep up with the literature in your field(s) with TOC alerts, search tools, OA filters and more. The new Reference Manager Gadget in particular is a one-stop shop for literature search, acquisition, and citation management. Sign up now for Article Galaxy and the Gadget Store. It’s free!

Publishers manage peer review and many other services important for certification, discovery and preservation of the research public record. Publishers work hard to keep the research literature as clear and reliable as possible. Even Open Access advocates acknowledge that publishers should receive compensation for peer review and other critical services. Reprints Desk collaborates with publishers to provide non-subscribers with pay-per-view and rental access to a publishers’ content as well as OA filtering and direct access to content made readily available by publishers. By partnering with Reprints Desk, we can help publishers expand their business into new markets. We can also help publishers stay connected to (and perhaps even win back) customers after subscriptions have ended. If you’re a publisher and would like to learn how we can help your business by growing your PPV and rental revenue, let us know!

Librarians arrange access to the research literature for their constituents via site licensing, subscription fees, rental fees and interlibrary loan (ILL). Reprints Desk supports librarians by providing enterprise tools that allow librarians and their patrons to easily order research articles that are not part of the organization’s subscription holdings. These orders are always copyright compliant and at the lowest rate available. We help librarians legally and cost-effectively fill in the gaps around their subscription holdings and thus provide their patrons with the articles they need to do their work. Right now our service is optimized for corporate librarians (who love working with us!) and you can learn more here. We’ll soon be adding to our suite of tools for academic librarians. If you’re an academic librarian and are interested in learning more, please contact us!

As the world’s leading document delivery service, our mission is to connect researchers like you with the scientific literature needed to conduct your own research. While publishing changes keep making the news, our award-winning Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) research platform dependably continues to enable access, purchase, or rental of any scientific document 24/7/365. Whether you’re a publisher, a librarian, a scientist or researcher, the business of scientific publishing is changing and Reprints Desk is here to help you adapt to those changes.

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